You can email to cancel un-shipped/un-paid items at any time as long as they are not direct-shipped, special order or made/machined-to-order. All three of these jets can be changed. Using a new gasket, install the carburetor on the intake manifold flange. I have 4-5 I've collected over the years, and the smaller ones can be re-drilled to the larger sizes. Carburetor Reassembly This reduces the fuel flow back towards stoichiometry -- that is, it prevents the carburetor going over-rich at higher speeds/airflow. Bentley (page 20 of the 'fuel' section -- table of 'carburetor setting and jets') says the X130 was normal for '71-'72 34PICTs, and X127.5 was normal for '73-'74s (non-California models). Choke Adjustment Procedure, Float needle valve and gasket (4 & 5) (See note below. I don't think you'd honestly notice the difference. Buy yourself a set of jet drills and drill the jets out is probably the easiest way. Price: $ 399.95. carburetors are discussed on this page -, General Exploded View Jet cleaning; Fast idle adjustment; Volume control screw initial adjustment; Idle . The try the same test at a higher speed - a steady 55-60mph. Perform the Idle Adjustment and Timing procedures. The idle jet is a brass "bolt" screwed into the right side of the carburetor. We know a lot of customers with this same view, so we decided to make these for you! The fuel flow through each jet is determined by the airflow which creates a low pressure area near that jet. Dave has done so with good success. I can't remember off-hand which is which, but the power jet is in a vertical protrusion on the side of the carburetor which leads up to the outlet for the power jet in the top of the carburetorthe other one is the idle jet. Useful experiment anyway. In both cases, when running the 009 distributor, set the accelerator pump for maximum squirt. Note: The manuals say that you should not remove the volume control screw, as it is set at the factory. So with a vacuum distributor, using a 55 idle, X130 or X132.5 main and about a 100 - 120Z air correction jet should provide good mixture for a 1776, without affecting fuel economy to badly (fuel consumption WILL be a little higher with the larger capacity though). As these plates restrict air flow, there is less vacuum to . And the second issue is the presence of Ethanol (alcohol) in gasolines. Some of you may be using this Carburetor. Except for the fact that it won't idle! On the H303/1 it is often oversized too - a 65, used to stop the engine stalling at low rpm as the main jet supplied with these is often VERY lean 117.5 or 120. For optimal operation (balance between power and drivability) venturi size should be about 3-5mm smaller than intake valve on stock or mild engines, and close to the SAME size as the intake valve on high output engines. If it takes 4 1/2 to 6 turns to peak, go up a size or (1/2 size if you. I have recently rebuilt a 34-PICT 3 for my bus with a S.B. Carburetor Cleaning Jetting was tweaked over the years for various carbs and territories. The idle jet should be a size 55 for most Bugs, but it can also be a 60 or 65 for the heavy bodies KGs and Bus/Kombis using the Beetle engine. The larger 34PICT carburetor should have the larger X127.5 main jet, and since the larger 34PICT carburetor doesn't have the extreme airflow with a 1600cc DP engine that the 30PICT carburetor does, the over-rich problem is reduced, so you use a SMALLER air correction jet - less correction is needed. None of these tests are definitive - just indicative. If you can't find one at about 125-130Z, try a smaller one, say 110Z. The air correction jet must be SMALLER to enrichen the mixture. We have seen advice to the effect that both the main jet and the air correction jet (and maybe others) must be replaced with larger ones in the 34PICT/3 carburetor to compensate for the 009 "flat spot." Just make sure the hole size is correct for your engine size and distributor type (009 distributors need richer carburetor mixtures). Could you help me with the jetting? The 28PCI and 28PICT carburettors were used on 1200cc and the first 1300cc engines. On the twin port engines, it has to be used with a 30/34 adaptor, since the twin port manifold has a larger mounting flange than the single port manifold. The idle cut-off valve receives power from the positive (+) terminal on the coil (#15) -- see the schematic which shows this wiring arrangement. Jet-A-Vator. Jun 10, 2013 (Edited) cactu4r said: I've got a recently rebuilt 1600 DP, 34-pict-3, DVDA, and I am having the hardest time getting the engine to idle. Changing the jetting in the carburetor to produce a richer mixture helps overcome those shortcomings. People often will shell out the bucks for a new carburetor, bolt it on right out of the box, and seem "pleased" with the results. Aircooled.Net, Inc. is in no way affiliated or associated with Volkswagen AG or Volkswagen ("VW") of America. The biggest problem I have with it was the fuel consumption. Remove the top of the carburetor (five screws, the choke wire and the throttle spring) and you can see it between the float bowl and the main throat. Located in: Braunschweig, Germany. It is located at about 11 o'clock to the larger idle jet, underneath a small brass screw-in plug. There is also a 65 power jet there too) a X127.5 main jet (bottom of the float bowl -- access via the brass plug in the left side), and a 60Z or 80Z air correction jet -- a vertical brass "screw" with a hole in the middle, between the float bowl and the main throat. Milease has increased by 90 miles per tank. Then if you need a fatter idle go up to 57.5, then 60. for ICTs, you need a 57 or 60 idle jet; for IDAs, the idle jet you need will depend on whether your carb has 2 or 3 progression holes. Note: The main jet feeds fuel, so larger numbers mean richer mixtures, but air correction jets feed AIR, so larger numbers mean leaner mixtures). I've never had to do this so don't even know if it would work well. Most carburetors come out of the box with a 55-60 idle jet. It would be interesting to try using one an adjustable main jet, but there are some dangers too ? Over-rich mixtures will also build up deposits on your valves, heads, and piston tops. Check the jets in the carburettor - if you have a vacuum distributor (you didn't say which sort you had), then the 34PICT/3 carburetor should have a 55 idle (right side of the carburetor. Assuming a vacuum distributor, the 34PICT/3 carburetor is usually jetted with a X127.5 main jet, and 100Z -120Z air correction jet. Currently our response time to emails is slow (we are severely short-staffed). So I replaced it with a 30 PICT-3 carburetor in a good condition. But different gears and different rpm doesn't. The bigger jet will increase fuel consumption a bit, so the smaller increase is better if it works. You can get them from junk carburetors from the wreckers if you are lucky. Solex 4a1 Carburetor Manual Best Version AN INTRODUCTION TO THE SOLEX 4A1 CARBURETTER SUPPLEMENT USB STICK (TSD4320USB) Quantity: Available : Despatched in 1 - 3 Days. The main jet can usually be removed without taking the top off the carburetor, but it's fiddly. Home . The 1200cc engines usually used a X120 or X122.5 in the 28PICT carburetors, the 1300cc engines used either X122.5 or X125 in the 30PICT carburetors, the 1500cc engines usually used a X125, and the 1600cc engines usually need a X127.5 in either 30PICT, H30/31, or 34PICT, but MIGHT get away with an X125 in the smaller 30PICT and the H30/31. This will result in most of the fuel running through the idle jet - it supplies some fuel up to about 2500rpm. Both clearances are essential; If the accelerator pump linkage rubs on either end, the throttle lever will not be able to return all the way to the stepped cam, the result being an excessively high idle that cannot be controlled with the bypass screw. This is accomplished by using a slightly larger main jet and a smaller air correction jet; the effect of this jetting change is to give the car a little more fuel at all throttle settings, which helps compensate for the Bosch 009 distributor having a less than ideal advance (no vacuum). This little ball bearing MUST be in place. On older/2 carburetors it has the idle cut off solenoid screwed into the back of it. Super rich idle jetting is not a solution to a problem elsewhere, even though it will "seem" fine. The usual change people make from standard VW carburetion is an increase in the main jet size, which may help the engine run a little cooler. Again, with the fuel jets (pilot and main), larger numbers means more fuel flow, thus a RICHER mixture. Try the X125 main before you try the X127.5 -- I'm using a 30PICT/2 carburetor on my 1600cc DP engine, and it works fine with the X125. My distributor is a vacuum advance (with a centrifugal?). We have sold thousands of Bocar carburetors, so when we decided to offer an upgraded carb, we chose to use the Bocar 34-3. NOTE-the Pilot Jet Valve may already have been replaced with the Brass #55 Idle Jet. There is a Mexican Solex 30 Pict-1 replacement Carburetor. general exploded view of the 34PICT/3 Carburetor is shown in the Once the jet is loose it sort of falls on it's side, so then I use the screwdriver to nudge the jet out along the trench to the plug hole in the side (rather than using needle-nose pliers). It's important that you get it right. Note: Compare the new float valve with the old one. If I can't iron it out with the high speed jet I'll start on the idle jet. When placing the float back into the float bowl, make sure the plastic pin retainer has the curved back facing the float bowl wall, not the float, otherwise the float movement is restricted. With the richer 125Z air correction jet I got 11.8 km/l (27.9mpg) -- no real difference. Unscrew this bolt and look at it -- if there is a jet screwed into the bolt (older models), you can deal with it in hand, so to speak. The power jet is usually a size 65. 34 pict 3 carburetor overhaul Jan 27 2023 web the proper float valve washer 4 must be used for the specific type of carburetor the 34 pict 3 carburetor uses the 0 5 mm 020 gasket a micrometer . Idle Shut Off Valve, 34-3, 34-4, and 34 PDSIT 2/3 Carburetors, 049-129-412C Is the valve on the side of the carburetor that provides air to the idle circuit. [3] The Volume Control Screw is the smaller of the two adjusting screws. Nothing is exactly that linear of course as the jets are all different sizes, but maybe it helps visualise the problem of keeping the fuel flow balanced at different rpm/airflows. You could also try Mid-America Motor Works and California Import Parts, Ltd. if you have trouble finding them. Aircooled.Net has them, and I think Gene Berg in the US has them too. Hey, use the stock jet size, which is 125 for the 34 PICT-3. Disconnect the electrical lead from the valve, then touch it to the connector again. We are now only fulfilling order requests only for items that we have in stock OR that we know can be acquired within a defined timeframe. In addition, if you have a problem with a 55/60 idle jet, and you have the right main jet, and still have a hesitation regardless of accelerator pump adjustment, you need to play with your idle air bleed (what the fuel from the idle jet mixes with). The angled one (points slightly towards the rear of the car) is the idle jet. Once you have the jet removed, you MAY find the size stamped on the top of it -- or maybe not. PRODUCT INFORMATION: All information provided by Aircooled.Net (via website or email) is for USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. On the H30/31, the main jet is set at an angle and you have to remove the top and the float to get at it. Special Instructions Most 34PICT/3 carburetors don't need this though -- usually the larger main, and then maybe blocking the air bleed hole in the throttle plate, plus maximizing the squirt from the accelerator pump is enough. The VW 105-1 Air Correction Jet would be 125z. If the engine is stumbling at 2000 RPMs and lower, then you need to richen up your idle jet (go to a larger size) - but check carefully for air leaks around the throttle shaft first!. (See our Automatic Choke Discussion and Adjustment Procedure.). . On later carburettors which have the cut-off solenoid in the left side, the idle jet and the power jet are similar looking jets on the right side. Air correction jets are harder to find. 2060 Solex Pierburg Kadron idle jet; 2056 Solex Air corrector jet; S61634017 Solex Z1 - Z2 Float; Solex float PBIC PIBC PICT; Solex float PICT; 6200018 Solex Needle valve size 160 Fiat 124, Alfa Giulia; 52844 Solex Pierburg needle valve VW PDSIT PICT DIDTA DIS; Carburetors intended for the California market were jetted leaner for emissions reasons and may be harder to tune as a result - so you might find a size X122.5 main jet and size 140Z-170Z air correction jets. Following are the jet and other specifications for the 34PICT/3 carburetor -, Accelerator Pump Feed: 1.3 - 1.6cc/stroke, Fuel Pump Delivery Pressure (max): 3 - 5 psi, Delivery Capacity (min): 400cc/min @ 4000 rpm, The jets in Dave's 34 PICT/3 carburetor are -. For example, a 40 IDF would need a 40 x 1.25 = 50 idle jet. The standard carburetor with standard jetting as originally furnished on your car is usually the most economical and dependable. On a 1600cc the main jet should be a size 127.5 (if you have a vacuum carburettor) or maybe size 130 )if you have an 009 distributor). In a VW Beetle, if you make the main jet too small, the car runs lean and this makes the engine run hotter. Contrast the Main Jet of the VW 105-1 for the '67 Beetle which would be120. It's actually an airflow thing of course, not RPM, so it's noticable at full throttle at about 50-55 mph. Or should I open what I have or rob from a newer model? Unsere Bestenliste Feb/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten Vw aux in Bester Preis : Vergleichssieger. The Please only continue if you are prepared to be PATIENT. There should be a light smooth coating of carbon on the rim of the threaded part, and a colour change on the outer electrode of grey (at the tip) to black (where it attaches to the rim of the threaded part), with the change of colour on the corner of the bend. Fillister head screw and lock washer (upper This jet is critical to engine flexibility and economy. Every engine is different, so strongly consider getting our micro sized idle jets to really dial it in. In most cases we are able to honor advertised price, but in the RARE case a substantial price increase occurs, you would be notified and given the option to cancel. Always sort the main jet out before playing with the air correction jet, which "corrects" the mixture from the main jet at higher speeds. This jet helps mix the fuel when the throttle butterfly is part way open, and so if you make it too big, it will let in too much air, and the engine will hesitate because of that. Someone wrote - I was advised to use a X125 main jet and 130Z air correction jet in my carburetor. Rob replaced the air correction jet with a 140Z, and at low-middle speeds there is no discernible effect. "Lean" means less fuel with the same amount of air, and of course "rich" is the opposite. So if we say that three x's is normal full flow for that jet (stoich), then at 4000 rpm, the main jet is working more than it should so the air correction is working to pull the mixture back to normal. vegas Quality Parts and Tech Info for Classic Aircooled Volkswagen Enthusiasts. and jet > size. were visibly larger in the new jets than the old ones. 34 PICT-3 about 50-55 mph if you ca n't find one at about 125-130Z, try a one! Information: All INFORMATION provided by ( via website or email ) is the presence Ethanol..., try a smaller one, say 110Z been replaced with the same at... 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34 pict 3 idle jet size