Muir determined that he would spend the rest of his life trying to absorb as much of the beauty of God's creation as he could. He believed only government control and limitations would guarantee the protection of forests. He made his way to New York City which took him by boat to Panama. One song he particularly liked was named "Hold the Fort." Walter Muir -Stan Muir - deceased. He traveled to Canada where he collected and recorded botanical specimens. John Muirs mother-in-law, Louisiana Erwin Strentzel, demonstrated the spirit and courage women needed to survive life as American Pioneers. on October 7, 1865. Roosevelt agreed that two controls made for "triple troubles." Jeanne Carr was an amateur botanist and lover of nature. Later, they took up farming along the Merced River, but lost the farm in a flood. On June 1, 1878, Louie played the piano for the Strentzel family and John, and they all sang several Grange songs. Her sister was Wanda Muir Hanna (1881 - 1942). He is a naturalist, artist, and educator who has dedicated his work to connecting people to nature through art and science. a principal leader and innovator of the worldwide nature journaling movement. John Muir's Daughter (1881-1942). Begins 1000 mile walk to Florida and then to Cuba. Helen married Buel Funk and had four children (Helen and three We are proud to announce that we have partnered with naturalist, artist and educator John Muir Laws to offer you a three class series covering the fundamenta. John Muir Laws demonstrates how the artistic technique of cross-contouring lines give us an understanding of space and dimension in this landscape by Tony Foster. Muir was distracted easily from bookmaking in the upstairs Scribble Den and couldn't stand the sounds of nearby practicing. Contact Us | John of the Mountains, 9. It is part of the universal warfare between right and wrong." "Therefore we are all, in some sense, mountaineers, and going to the mountains is going home." ", 16. Dr. Strentzel gave the newlyweds 20 acres of land and the Strentzel home to live in when they were married the following year. During that period, she learned a great deal about fruit ranching, hybridizing, and flowers, and she continued her study of the piano. ", 9. He joined the family for breakfast every morning, until his death in 1914. Hoffman, Tuolumne Meadows, Soda Springs, Mts. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. The Muirs moved to the small town of Martinez, California (near San Francisco), the year they were married. Left the University; foot tour of Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois, and Canada. He is the author of The Laws Guide to Nature Drawing and Journaling (2016) and The Laws Guide to Drawing Birds (2012). Jack is a scientist, educator, and author, who helps people forge a deeper and more personal connection with nature through keeping illustrated nature journals and understanding science. While John Muir may have lost the battle to save Hetch Hetchy, he played the pre-eminent role in preserving Yosemite Valley and his scientific theory about glaciers forming the valley has been proven to be correct. She became fascinated with trains and plastered her room with posters from the train companies, learned the timetables, and watched for expected trains coming around the mountain. Find (or start) a Nature Journal Club Near You! Once she graduated in 1864 she decided to return home to the ranch in Martinez and focus on fruit ranching and hybridizing. As America's most famous naturalist and conservationist, Muir fought to protect the wild places he loved, places we can still visit today. However, with the election of Woodrow Wilson in 1912, both the senate and the president approved the bill to build a dam in Hetch Hetchy. Muir turned his conservation efforts specifically towards his desire that the U.S. government establish more national parks. Terms and Conditions of Use | He told the interviewer, "The more I study him and the things he did, the more amazed I am. Called "America's Best Idea," the United States' unique system of protecting natural and cultural heritage spurred other countries to do the same. Muir got a job breaking horses at a ranch and then soon afterwards got a job as a shepherd. They bought and sold real estate in addition to running an alfalfa ranch. It was her first and only trip there and was a mistake from the start. But in 1882 Muir stated his opposition to the Grange. "The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness." John Muir's Grandchildren: Wanda: Married Thomas Hanna in 1906 and had six children John Hanna: Lives in Napa, CA (as of 2004) It was not until 1879 that he finally proposed to her. Muir, however, wanted the area of the Yosemite region that was currently a state park to become a national one. Cyrus Mills, a graduate of the Union Theological Seminary in New York, met Miss Atkins in Hawaii while the latter was on vacation there. Refresh and try again. She mistook trout for catfish, didn't like hiking about, and saw bears behind every tree. "But in every walk with Nature one receives far more than he seeks. Daughter Helen's July 1963 letter contains a rare look at Louie and forms much of what we know about Louie. "Mama loved flowers, especially fragrant ones," Helen recalled in her memoirs about her parents. John Muir's Children: ", 12. 2. Shortly afterward on Christmas Eve, 1914, John Muir died of pneumonia. ", 2. Around 1907, Muir began to battle to save Hetch Hetchy, a beautiful valley in Yosemite National Park that San Francisco had set its sights on. We have a commodious house with pleasant surroundings, in the midst of orchards and vineyards in full view of Martinez and Benicia". Louie Muir died on August 6, 1905, and is buried with John, her parents, a brother, a sister and Uncle Henry in the Strentzel/Muir cemetery about a mile from the National Historic Site. Website Help. Each day each student was graded, and Louie's report from March 12, 1860, by Mary Atkins, survives. John would return by the fall to harvest the crops. Later, they took up farming along the Merced River but lost the farm in a flood. Clear rating. John Muir Laws unpacks this painting of Mont Blanc from an artistic, technical perspective to help us understand how Tony Foster composed this alluring artwork. His family was well-to-do, and able to provide a life of "being attended with all desirable comforts". Laws is the founder and host of the Nature Journal Club, a family-friendly, intergenerational community that connects with nature through art and field journaling. By this time, Muir had gained some recognition for both his knowledge of and passion for the region. When Louie wasn't overseeing the daily duties at the ranch she was working on her garden around the farm house. | Alphabetical Index Ever your wife, Louie." In 2009, he received the Terwilliger Environmental Award for outstanding service in Environmental Education. There is nothing that has a right to be considered besides this except the welfare of our children.". "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike. The ranch house has photographic reproductions of several of these, and the originals are in the homes of the descendants. He is the founder and host of the Bay Area Nature Journal Club, monthly free nature sketching workshops, field trips, and events, connecting people with nature through art. "It is by far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter." She was fifty-eight years old. His work intersects science, art, and mindfulness. He traveled by boat to Cuba with the ultimate goal of going to Brazil's Amazon rainforest. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . According to hers and John's daughter, Helen, "she was a devoted daughter and a great comfort to her parents in their later years. From this point, Muir decided to pursue his glacial theory and he wrote an essay, "Yosemite Glaciers" which was published in the New York Tribune in 1871. Eventually he relegated the girls' practicing to the soundproof brick room supporting the water tank at the rear of the house. At the end of the '80s when Muir had been home quite a bit of the time, his literary output vanished, and so did his enthusiasm for most everything else. Richard Hanna - deceased 5/9/92. John Muir Laws dives into the many elements in this coastal artwork by artist-explorer Tony Foster, highlighting differences between the dynamic, wet-in-wet skyscape, gently glazed coastal cliffs and vivid blue ocean. "It is by far the grandest of all the special temples of Nature I was ever permitted to enter. Keith carried a letter of introduction from a mutual friend, Jeanne Carr. 14 talking about this. Summer sheepherder in high Sierra;returned to live in Yosemite to work for Hutchings, to operate sawmill; began exploration for signs of glaciers. Muir did not relegate Louie to an anonymous life in the background -- this is what she herself preferred. Trip to South America and Africa (73 years old). MasterFILE Premier. Jeanne Carr was Muir's mentor shortly after they met at Madison. Probably Louie couldn't play the piano when he was working, and likely she did most of her playing while he was gone. They became close friends for the next forty years, until Keith's death in 1911. "I have always befriended animals and have said many a good word for them. A pacifist opposed to the Civil War, the twenty-seven-year-old Muir had left his family's Wisconsin farm the previous year and traveled to Michigan. During their engagement, Muir traveled northward and visited the Puget Sound, taking a boat from Oregon to British Colombia. In this video we learn about the challenges associated with painting large-scale watercolors in wet, rainy environments and about how artist-explorer Tony Foster creates depth in this misty oak woodland. Later that became known facetiously as the Music Room. He is a 2010 TogetherGreen Conservation Leadership Fellow with the National Audubon Society. Importing seeds and cuttings from around the world, Dr. Strentzel employed new scientific methods in horticulture, exhibiting oranges and award-winning wines as early as 1861. Muir transformed his adventures into articles and books that sparked peoples' interest in nature. Dana and Gibbs, and down Bloody Canyon to Mono Lake (with John Swett and J.B. McChesney, 1875), Mt. By now, Muir was seen as the head of the Western conservation movement and in 1892 he established the Sierra Club in order to "explore, enjoy, and render accessible the mountain region of the Pacific Coast" and to "publish authentic information concerning them" with the ultimate goal of conservation. 2023 Sierra Club.The Sierra Club Seal is a registered copyright, service mark, and trademark of the Sierra Club. Wanda: March 25, 1881 - July, 1942 (age 60) Son of the Wilderness, 16. Muir and the doctor were mutually impressed with each other, and a warm friendship began. Start now: you can do this, and the world is waiting. Even though his father disapproved of his inventions, Muir continued in his pursuits and in 1860 Muir took some of them to a fair where he gained some attention and local celebrity for his ingenuity. This free teaching guide is kid-tested and teacher-approved and integrates science, language arts, and visual arts through keeping a nature journal. Tomorrow I will have, I fell in love with the sound of the deep peacefu. Louie graduated in May 1864. John Muir was born in Scotland in 1838, one of eight children of Daniel Muir and his second wife Ann Gilrye. He told the interviewer, "The more I study him and the things he did, the more amazed I am. In 1882, Dr. Strentzel built a 17-room mansion on a knoll overlooking his vast orchards, about a mile from his original home. Wanda Muir was the eldest of John Muir's two daughters, sister of Helen Muir. Although there were other available places for San Francisco to build a reservoir, it was viewed as the cheapest option because it was already government-owned land. Among the classical piano pieces Louie learned was Beethoven's Sonata Pathetique. What we know about Louie's music comes from her mother's diary and from some of Louie's sheet music returned to the John Muir National Historic Site by granddaughter Jean Hanna Clark. Stanley Muir (born Stanley M. Funk) - b. July 17, 1912. d. August 17 1962 From there, he crossed the Canadian border and kept . Like her Victorian peers, Louisiana documented her experiences in letters and journals. She made sure her only remaining child, Louie, received an extensive education and pursued her talent as a pianist. He had the most incredible way of describing things, in words I wouldn't even think of." He bought additional land and planted large vineyards and orchards that included Muscat, Zinfandel and Tokay grapes, and over 50 varieties of pears. John (Jack) Muir Laws is a principal leader and innovator of the worldwide nature journaling movement. Muir went to the University of Wisconsin and studied science, philosophy, and literature. Petrified Forest becomes a national monument. Attention, observation, curiosity, and creative thinking are not gifts, but skills that grow with training and deliberate practice. John Muir's Father-in-Law. Shasta, Sierra Scene, Yosemite (on a cigar box lid), Mt. This Joint Resolution accepted the recession by the State of California of the Yosemite Valley Grant and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, now the Mariposa Grove of Giant Sequoias, which withdrew them from state protection and put them under federal protection, making them part of Yosemite National Park. "Of course, there were roses of all kinds, but the great thicket of single Cherokee roses were by far the sweetest; and there were jasmine, honeysuckle, lavender, lilies, wisteria, magnolias, and heliotrope. Roosevelt left behind reporters and his Secret Service agents for the company of two park rangers, an army packer, John Muir and the wild. Shasta (1888), and Muir Woods (1908). Shasta. His work intersects science, art, and mindfulness. He bought land and became a fruit rancher so that he could hold a steady occupation to support their family. Eye injury. by. Miriam (died December 7, 1974) Galloway, Sarah Muir - (1836 - 1932). Muir Funk - deceased. As both a scientist and artist, Laws has developed interdisciplinary programs that train students to observe with rigor and to refine techniques to become intentionally curious. John Muir Laws provides some geologic context for this artwork by Tony Foster depicting an ancient stratovolcano high up in the Andes and reveals artistic insights about painting shadows and reflections. Floy Hutchings led Keith and two other painters to Muir who was at his cabin below the Royal Arches. Wanda. John Muir, (born April 21, 1838, Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotlanddied December 24, 1914, Los Angeles, California, U.S.), Scottish-born American naturalist, writer, and advocate of U.S. forest conservation, who was largely responsible for the establishment of Sequoia National Park and Yosemite National Park, which are located in California. Trained as a wildlife biologist and an associate of the California Academy of Sciences, he observes the world with rigorous attention. After Funk died in a tragic automobile accident at the age of 47, (1934) Helen and three of her sons changed their name from Funk to Muir - in 1940. Much of their correspondence is recorded in Letters from a Friend. In 1890, there was only one national park - Yellowstone. nal monuments, 55 national bird sanctuaries and wildlife refuges, and 150 national forests (Source for forgoing: "100th Anniversary of President Theodore Roosevelt and Naturalist John Muir's Visit at Yosemite National Park" - National Park Service Press Release (May 15, 2003). FREE ADMISSION | OPEN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, Copyright 2021 Foster Art & Wilderness Foundation, The Foster, 940 Commercial Street, Palo Alto, CA 94303. Muir's conservation legacy lives on at the John Muir National Historic Site and in our daily actions. And this is not the end of the world; we should just create a new and improved hypothesis. Mark Elbroch. John Muir Laws (aka Jack) is an artist, naturalist and nature journaling mentor. The family operated an inn and then a farm where Louie's father, John Strentzel, began horticultural experiments. The Alaska book and Yosemite book, Dear John, must be written, and you need to be your own self, well and strong to make them worthy of you. Founding of the Sierra Club, end of ranching career for John Muir. When she was born in 1881, Muir wrote, I am now the happiest man in the world. Shortly after Wandas birth, and at Louies persuasion, Muir left for Alaska writing the first of many letters to her demonstrating his longing for home and family. Smithsonian 39.4 (2008): 48. Mills' friend Dr. I.E. "No amount of word-making will ever make a single soul to 'know' these mountains. *"Mexican soldiers, disappointed by the lack of game, had dubbed this valley the Arroyo el Hambre, or valley of hungerIn April 1853, the Strentzels began acquiring lands of the deceased Don Martinez, until they owned a main ranch covering 856 acres in the valley and surrounding hills and an extended estate of 2,665 acres, including rangelands in the nearby Briones Hills. ", John was by Louie's side when she passed away from lung cancer on August 6, 1905. Helen: January 23, 1886 - June, 1964 (age 78) Also in 1906, Muir was able to convince Roosevelt to establish the Petrified Forest National Monument to protect the fossilized trees of Arizona. In his excitement, he even climbed a very dangerous ridge by a waterfall and clung onto the rock face just so he could get closer to the water. He's based out of California, where he teaches nature exploration and field sketching classes. Another son, Walter, who died in 2004, told an interviewer that he had every book written by his famous grandfather and many written about him by other authors. Muir did not relegate Louie to an anonymous life in the background -- this is what she herself preferred. She worked for the school board and headed various women's clubs; was an active Sierra Club member and opened the family home to the citys youth. He teaches free, weekly online workshops on nature journaling techniques and supports teachers and parents develop best practices to teach nature journaling to kids and adults. 14202, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. Once here, the family established a ferry, hotel, and store along the Toulumne River serving men heading to and from the gold fields. One night, five inches of snow fell, and the president arose to white flakes on his blankets. Muir and other concerned citizens also founded the Sierra Club, a nonprofit organization promoting outdoor recreation and environmental advocacy. Muir saw God in nature, and his Christian upbringing translated into a deeply spiritual connection to the places he loved. Over the years, that love has grown into a commitment to stewardship and a passion to share the delight of exploring nature with others. Inspired by his luminary, wife Ann Foster, Tony traveled to the Maldives to paint dramatic equatorial sunsets. Wilderness World of John Muir, 3. By that time Benicia had four schools: the Episcopal School for Boys, the Catholic School for Girls, C.J. Muir chided him to put the detail back in. Louie was educated at Miss Adkins' Young Ladies Seminary in Benicia. Wanda: Married Thomas Hanna in 1906 and had six children "The battle for conservation must go on endlessly. After he traveled through the Sequoia belt of the Sierra Nevada, he became impassioned to save them from loggers that were destroying the forests. Together they had four sons: Muir Haley Funk - b. February 2, 1911. d. Dec. 28, 1978 However, he became ill and decided that instead of going somewhere tropical, he should go somewhere temperate to recover, which ultimately made him decide on going to California, a decision that set much of the course of his life. While John was in Seattle, Louie wrote him a letter dated August 9, 1888. The 1863 YLS catalog lists departments in English, Language (Latin, French, German, and Spanish) and Fine Arts (Music, Painting, and Drawing). Nature Stewardship Through Science, Education, and Art CLUB." The melody for that song was used in England by the Transport Workers Union and known as "Storm the Fort, Ye Knights of Labor," and by the labor unions in the Eastern US in the 1800s. As an educator and author, Jack teaches techniques and supports routines that develop these skills to make them a part of everyday life. "Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where Nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul alike." Learn more at In March of 1881, Louie gave birth to a daughter they named Annie. Ross Hanna: Lives in Dixon, CA (as of 2004) Strentzel Hanna - deceased. The shock and horror of the accident for Muir finally pushed him to leave industry work forever. John Muir Laws describes how Tony Foster must have connected with the hot, tropical Bornean rainforest, helping us understand the challenges involved when creating this piece. Muir went against the widely-accepted opinions of Josiah Whitney, the leading geologist of that region, who said that earthquakes formed the valley. Lived in Bay Area writing magazine articles; trips to mountains; Utah. Muir seized the opportunity "to do some forest good in talking freely around the campfire," and the President, referring to John Muir, is quoted as saying "Of course of all the people in the world, he was the one with whom it was best worthwhile thus to see the Yosemite.". Eventually, Dr. Strentzel tried over 1,000 varieties of fruit trees and ornamentals, earning a solid reputation as a pioneer and authority on California horticulture. In May 1870 he announced that the next YLS semester would begin August 2 at the new location. The two Scots had differing opinions on many topics. From there, Muir determined that he had to remain among the Sierra Mountains and managed to become employed at a sawmill that cut up dead trees in the valley, which was owned by James M. Hutchings who ran the hotel in Yosemite Valley, While in this position, Muir frequently interacted with the tourists and provided his expertise and opinions on the valley. A month later, Congress designated Yosemite a national park. John of the Mountains, 6. At the age of 10, the family moved to the United States where they purchased an 80-acre tract of land near Portage, Wisconsin that Muir loved exploring. Certainly, she was not inclined to camp out on an Alaskan glacier or even to take a walk in the hills nearby their Alhambra Valley home. for the buildings and property and became owner as well as principal. Thank you for your support in 2022, Join me for a special 2-part Owl-o-ween Drawing Cl, Together with a small team of hardworking folks, I, Exploring Monterey, CA. He began to get support for his research and studied more and more about the glaciers of the Sierra Nevada. He spent the summer of 1863 in the wilderness hiking down the Wisconsin River to the Mississippi along with two of his classmates. For his part, Keith kept after Muir to take the detail out of his writing. 1. May 27, 1916, d. December 9, 2004 John Muir Laws @JohnMuirLaws 39.8K subscribers Subscribe Home Videos Shorts Live Playlists Community Channels About Search Nature Drawing Play all Instructional. Another son, Walter, who died in 2004, told an interviewer that he had every book written by his famous grandfather and many written about him by other authors. Louie became a music scholar while in attendance at the seminary, and her teachers boasted that she had a bright future ahead of her as a concert pianist if she so chose. Louie was a wonderful musician, wife, mother, ranch manager and helpmate. In the summer of 1869, he went with his flock to the mountains. The valley was completely destroyed and Muir was completely devastated by the results. In 1880, John Muir married Strentzel's only surviving daughter, Louisa. He was the 2011 artist for International Migratory Bird Day. When the revolution failed the following year, John Strentzel was forced to flee his homeland and move to Hungary. He wrote in a short autobiography: "My faithful companion (Louisiana) and I live very comfortably and quietly in our declining years. Designated Yosemite a national one of nearby practicing and field sketching classes John, and educator who has dedicated work... Our daily actions and focus on fruit ranching and hybridizing a part everyday. The eldest of John Muir national Historic Site and in our daily actions Seal is a copyright. Student was graded, and likely she did most of her playing while he was the eldest of John died... To South America and Africa ( 73 years old ) and they all sang several Grange songs artist for Migratory. 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