The key to feeling more aliveness, turn-on, and radiance in your everyday life comes from being able to surrender fully into your feminine. Wearing clothes and fragrance that makes you feel sexy 6. 1. No matter how much you think you like him you have to let him initiate the conversation and ask you on a proper date. After all, we're changing all the time. The truth Goddess, is that Money wants to flow through you as well. Beauty is pleasurable to feel and witness, and it is created by the feminine. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being alert and not liking certain settings. By all means, include how sweet he is, but focus mostly on compliments that accentuate his masculinity. This wont help you on your journey. It will feel pleasurable. Your body is the vessel for all the beautiful things you actually are. Some women are so afraid of hurting a mans feelings that they avoid having an opinion about anything. 2023 ESSENCE Communications Inc. All Rights Reserved. When I say that you should keep a smile on your face, I mean that you should always strive to be happy. Something that tends to get in the way of this discussion is that there is an inherent problem with the terms masculine and feminine. Because in the English language, masculine means like a man. And while most men are more masculine, masculine energy still doesnt mean like a man.. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. Here's what you need to know about how to be more feminine and get in touch with your feminine side. Feminine energy goes so much deeper than the physical. This is not a good feeling for a man and will make him want to run away from a relationship as quickly as he can. This is exactly what you want in a relationship. But if you are interested, I recorded a whole podcast episode about feminine energetics where I go through my past writing and explain where I was off. It shows him that you are capable of being in a relationship without smothering him with your neediness and the desire to be in control all the time. This is a bad idea for a couple of reasons. Focus on one thing at a time. See if you can feel it, if you can communicate with it. Unless you are in a committed relationship with a man, you should avoid sleeping with him too soon. So never give that up. If you dont, then youll end up chasing something that will never make you genuinely happy. This will activate the hero instinct in men and hell definitely spot the difference in you right away. At a deeper level, being the Lighthouse means keeping an open heart and allowing yourself to be seen as the prize for all kinds of men. In some ways, these skills embody the previous ones weve discussed. Your femininity will shine through when you start feeling more comfortable. If you're confused about your emotional process, don't worry; you can learn to be more attuned to yourself. But how can you trigger a mans Hero Instinct? If you want to be more in touch with your femininity, first you want to actually understand what kinds of trauma bondsthat could be a father bond, a mother trauma bondactually live in your house. You were created as a gateway for souls by the universe. Importantly, these traits are not associated with gender. Its a body-centered exploration of what it means when you trust your own natural energy. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. This has left so many women feeling exhausted, irritated, and resentful of different aspects in their lives even though often they dont know why. Inside of the workplace or when dealing with clients, a cold, If you are always trying to seek approval from your man, he may begin to feel suffocated. Then you can easily express your emotions on paper if that works for you. Youll feel like youve lost your touch like youve lost the woman you were before. Lol, Your email address will not be published. Its important to let go of the idea that you need your man to make you feel validated. Be aware of what youre eating so that you can make sure your body is getting all the needed nutrition. The truth Goddess, is that Money wants to flow through you as well. Without becoming aware of these patterns, a protective barrier is formed around the heart the place where the feminine essence is sourced. Youll also form a deep connection to your intuition. Safety is rooted in ourselves. This ad is displayed using third party content and we do not control its accessibility features. Too many of us wait until our next vacation to feel relaxed and playful again. WebYour authentic feminine energy is one of the things that men perceive value in, so use this ego boost to your advantage. There will be many ups and downs, but always do the things that bring the most joy in your life. At Macbeth Matchmaking, listen intently to who you want to attract. Because of that, youll have to define your own femininity. Web3 Best Tips for Using Feminine Energy to Attract a Man 1. Im not saying that everyone is prone to doing that, but most of us are. It wants to melt away the ceiling that has kept your income stuck at its current level. Use your feminine energy to keep him interested without giving in too quickly. Embracing your sensuality is the key to using feminine energy in dating. Also, when youre soft and delicate, it shows that youre kind and gentle. He will see you as someone who he has to win over and this will make him want you more. The woman who is putting her life on hold for a man is like a laser beam a concentrated, dense light going in only one direction. Its important to show a man that you appreciate his efforts in trying to win you over. By setting these boundaries, youre making sure that you have a safe enough environment to allow your feminine energy to flow. Heres my advice: you should make a man work for your attention and affection. It will feel full of beauty. She has no time to sit there waiting for this one man to grace her with his attention. A really beautiful way to begin doing this is to just spend time with a plant, the same way you would hang out with a friend. When men are able to express themselves emotionally, they can This happens especially when youre married to a man who works a lot. Trust yourself. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Your definition of femininity isnt necessarily the same as mine. This is just a small explanation of why you need to create more in your life. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Do you have a question for our matchmaking team or our dating coach? To really be yourself and tune into your feminine energy, means to believe in your judgment, so whenever that little alarm starts ringing on your mind, consider listening to it instead of blocking it out; you might find it a lot more helpful than you thought. And its keeping us from forming deeply healing and incredible relationships with men. Who are you supposed to take care of if not yourself? My favorite metaphor to help you overcome this hyper-focus is that of the Lighthouse and the Laser Beam. (Read: The Ultimate Guide to Processing Emotions Through Your Body). When you take care of yourself emotionally and physically, it shows that youre confident and strong. N0 wonder dating any of these men did not lead anywhere! 2009 - 2023 MindBodyGreen LLC. What things can you say no to? It represents our left side of our body and references our right brain that is associated with creativity and artistic thought. In todays post, were going deeper and talking about the three ways you can AMPLIFY your Feminine Energy in dating, so that you can attract high-quality masculine men. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. I can promise you that youll be much happier that way and youll reach your goals much faster. Pleasure relaxes your nervous system and calms your body. On the other hand, a woman who is embracing her Feminine Energy in dating is like a lighthouse. Even so, it wouldnt hurt to also take a look at things from a mans perspective either. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy his company. Define what femininity means for you so that you can know what you want to work towards in your life. Take deep, powerful inhalations through your mouth, moving your spine forward or to the sides. It is doing energy. It wants to Its also the yin to masculine yang. Feminine energy is receptive. 2021 Sami Wunder, All rights reserved. He will appreciate the fact that you are selective about who you spend your time with and that you are not desperate for a boyfriend or relationship. Its what makes life worth living. For more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. If you find yourself feeling a lot of resistance to this idea, I want you to go inside yourself and really feel what comes up when you imagine giving up control. Take full responsibility for your life and your dreamsStudy femininity and womanhoodGet out of your head and drop into your heart and womb more oftenStop rationalizing everythingGive yourself permission to relax, to just be without doingMake creativity a habit in your lifeSchedule a boudoir photo shootWork on your worth and your valueMore items In fact, when you disconnect from your emotions, you start to lose your femininity. It will show him that you are a woman who appreciates what others do for her. From allowing him to pay for your parking, carry your gym bag, connect your DVD player to the television, choose the table at a restaurant, and drive thirty-five miles to your neighborhood for a date, all you need to do to play into your feminine is to say, Yes, thank you.. Feminine energy refers to a specific set of traits, considered to be the opposite of traits associated with masculine energy. Webyour feminine energy it helps you to fully inhabit your body to experience the present moment and to feel the deep connection you have with the web jan 3 2023 relationship counseling can help some people work through factors In his free video, James Bauer shares everything you need to know about how to trigger a mans Hero Instinct. When you understand your value, youll understand that you cant reach your full potential unless you leave. When youre dating, do you find yourself hyper-focused on one man, feeling anxious and checking your phone very often to see if hes sent you a message or called you? 8. Things like journaling will enable you to recognize your emotions and connect to them on a deeper level. Balancing your masculine energy will remove the feeling of fear and lack of confidence. To see more of everything you missed during Wellness House at the 20201 ESSENCE Festival of Culture, click HERE. In todays society, many women have taken on this energy in order to get ahead, or because weve been told that thats what we should want. Were encouraged to work hard, get the promotions, sacrifice our pleasure and our needs, sculpt our bodies, and be upfront and direct with what we want. You will find honest storytelling and our inspiring people tackle issues that so many of us face but are afraid to talk about. Tone of voice 8. No one can tell you what being feminine means, because you can redefine this entire concept to fit your own perception and description of it. When a man courts you, he is making a clear effort to win your attention and affection. 11 ways to increase your feminine energy and remove the blocks around it 1. Create as much free time in your schedule as possible. They say, You can be anything you want! and Youre too loud, bossy, and unlikeable at the same time. Dont let yourself go in the sense of not being there for yourself. Leaving your schedule open so that, the minute he asks you out, you are saying yes.. Its like we have to change our mood for someone else just so they feel better in our presence. Take daily showers, always wear perfume and deodorant. My passion is to empower you to create and live your most beautiful life and business by design. A good way to do this is by asking them things in a more feminine way. Theyve tried to follow in the footsteps of men to prove that they can do anything men can do, even better and theyre left feeling a bit hardened and let down by it all. You have to escape toxic environments and also do the things that make you happy. This will ensure you are healthy and have enough stamina for all the things that you need to accomplish. Or perhaps youre always the one to forgive and forget easily, so youre always making changes to yourself. If he is bringing you gifts and flowers, let him know that you are thankful for his gifts. When you make a man feel important, he will treat you with respect and kindness. Understanding you and your partners energies will bring more empathy and compassion into your relationship. Remember that, in order to attract meaningful connections, the best thing you can do is to stay true to yourself. In your relationship, dont ever let your sensual energy subside. Feminine people are usually described as highly emotional and vulnerable. Our right to abortion our right to choosing what we do with our own bodies is still hotly debated on political stages. Shes had to realize that there are certain boundaries a woman needs to create to let her femininity roam freely. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. We want to attract a partner, so we try to get the most out of our God-given beauty. The way I think of it is that masculine and feminine are the umbrella terms that come first, and theyre both on one end of the same spectrum. It is submissive, intuitive, soft, indirect, ever-changing, and fluid. We want to have equal rights to men, but we dont want to be like men. My passion is to empower you to create and live your most beautiful life and business by design. Both parties need to understand the other on a deeper level than what is being said and how you Hi loves. It wants to melt away the ceiling that has kept your income stuck at its current level. Thats why, when we do get into a relationship, we tend to lose that to a certain extent. Dont take yourself too seriously and use your feminine energy to be playful and enjoy life. What Im talking about is taking care of yourself, whatever that may mean for you. All you have to do is internally connect to who you are. WebEnter the feminine qualities of cooperation and collaboration. WebConnection - Intuition - Harmony Step into your feminine Yin energy. How can you be more feminine in your relationship if youre not expressing yourself in any way, shape, or form? No matter what gender either person in a romantic couple identifies as, one person will take the masculine pole while the other takes the feminine pole, if they are to have sexual intensity. But what does it truly mean to step into our feminine energy and what role can that energy play in living our best livesboth personally and romantically? Feminine energy allows us to: Connect with our inner wisdom and use it as a guide Magnetize what you desire toward you Hold space for projects and people Feel into divine timing and instinctively know when the time is right Enjoy creating something from nothing without being tied to the result See the big picture Ask yourself who your role models are when it comes to femininity and see what you can learn from those women. If you can live from your feminine, life will feel easy. Youll tap into your natural magnetism which is what happens when you inhabit your natural side of the spectrum. If we're always acting in an extroverted way, it creates a schism within. Pitts, reminds us that we must first understand if theres anything in your heart/life thats blocking your energy. The most difficult piece of this is that most women dont really trust their own masculine because theyve never been modeled it in a way that feels good and they also arent practiced at embodying their feminine. Eight Everyday Ways to Boost Your Feminine Energy 1. Most of us have had our femininity shamed and made wrong. (In fact, it's more important than ever to raise boys without gender stereotypes!). Thats when youre allowing someone to block your own blessings and your feminine energy. This means that you have the strength to handle your life while also being open and honest about your feelings. Allowing yourself to feel, embracing your heart, and tapping into your internal energy is the key to discovering empowerment and beauty. Angry women are villified. To show your feminine energy, and embrace it, with a man, then you need to be open and honest with him. Anything that expresses your flow is considered feminine. RELATED: 9 Ways To Connect To The Divine Feminine (And Why You Want To). This is where Feminine Energy becomes a really magnetic quality. A question I like to ask myself regularly is: How can I make this moment even more pleasurable? Instead of running after an ideal that has nothing to do with you, discover what it takes for you to embody your own femininity. As the masculine gives, the feminine receives. WebIf you long for your dream life but feel trapped in mediocrity & disappointment then keep reading Are you sick and tired of missing out in life & seeing everyone around you succeed, while you're left behind: broke in a job you Made wrong bossy, and tapping into your relationship if youre not expressing yourself in any,! Are a woman who is embracing her feminine energy becomes a really magnetic quality create and live most! What is being said and how you Hi loves after all, 're... Afraid to talk about your life provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, source... Want in a more feminine in your life by all means, how. Own blessings and your partners energies will bring more empathy and compassion into internal. 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