Mule deer usually have small or missing brow tines with bifurcated antler branching, which means tines that split once off of a main beam, and then again toward the tips. Though both are descendants of whitetail, black-tailed deer are considered a sub-species of mule deer. If black-tailed deer were to migrate south, the diseases that whitetails are immune to would kill them quickly. To recap, the basic idea is that bucks tend to have proportionally larger front versus hind feet than does. That's because I assumed it had 30-inches of abnormal points which is deducted from the gross score when scored "typical," but not deducted from the gross score when scored "non . The fur of the mule deer is brown with a reddish tone in the summer months. They were removed from the Endangered Species List in 2003 and ODFW has allowed controlled hunts at the NBHMA since 2006. Take the time to glass under every bush and get your distances known to spots that the deer may appear in. Whitetails are found throughout the United Stateseverything east of the Rocky Mountain chain and well into Canada heading north. Here Is the Latest Info. Stories of successfully calling in muleys or bringing in bucks by rattling antlers together are few and far between, but it may still be a good option to get a buck to show himself, if the signs of tracks are fresh and you are certain he is held up in some dense brush. The differences in the tails of these deer is the best and easiest way to differentiate between the two species. Take from it what you will, but I believe this is where most of the confusion and means for debate comes in. They are about three-quarters of the length of the deers entire head and help the mule deer pick up on faint sounds over their large, open territories. The diet of the mule deer and the black-tailed deer is probably different due to each animals range rather than their preferences. Bucks have antlers whereas does have no antlers. But mule deer also have some white in their tails, so whats the difference? We have clearly shown how similar and different these animals can be, so its up to you to make the right call. That pretty much says it all. Assume those links are affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission if you click and buy. Metatarsal Glands . In the southern parts of their ranges, whitetail deer will not mate until January or February. Animals in colder and more northern regions are larger compared to those animals who live in warm, more southern regions. The white-tailed deer and the black-tailed deer may live in similar areas of the world, but theyre different species. We may earn a small commission on purchases made through our links. A freelance writer of over 5 years, Thomas combines his passion for the great outdoors and writing skills to provide expert information & guides. They live in the southern half of Canada except near the west coast and almost all of the U.S. except for the Southwest near the Rocky Mountains. Or as difficult as finding them. Our blacktails in the Cascades have some muley influence and migrate. White-tailed deer and mule deer have slightly different reproduction and mating cycles. Black-tailed deer are descendants of whitetail, the latter of which has walked the landscape of North America for roughly 3.5 million years. Habitat: Blacktails are a subspecies of mule deer found in western Oregon from the Coast Range east to the Cascade Mountains. Deer Tracks. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. They have been given these names to describe their key characteristics and what makes them stand out from other deer. The females will go into heat for a 24 hour period and most go in to heat in November in the northern portions of their range. Did you know that due to their size, sometimes mule deer antlers can be worth more than other antlers! Do you want to enter your opinion about a specific issue into the public record? In Iowa, people chase some of the worlds largest Whitetail deer. However, if both deer are eating the same diet, the taste between the two is nearly indiscernible. Anyone hunted or have experience with both? The white-tailed deer lives in many places, so it has access to many foods. Dont fret. Its also the same color as its coat with no black markings on it. As an avid outdoors person (hunting and fishing mostly)I love to mention and link to various products and gear I use. But it by no means implies that just because you have hunted a mule deer, there is no need to pursue a blacktail. Whitetail deer will have a different pattern all together. Were going to explore them in greater depth by comparing five different factors. The long tail has a snow-white underside that they raise and flash to signal to other deer. They tend to live near rivers and fields where water and food are easy to come by. Mule deer are on average larger than the blacktail deer. Black-tailed females can reach up to 130lbs while whitetail females generally reach 155lbs. Your email address will not be published. During the rut, their tarsal glands will be dark and may show a lot of staining. It seems like there is a lot more information on the market about whitetail deer behavior due to the larger range but I wonder if any of it is really applicable to blacktails? Their name originates from Sitka, Alaska, and it is not to be confused with the similarly named sika deer. Blacktails, on the other hand, have all black tails. They are a much better option than corn or hay. Today, were going to explore the many differences between the white-tailed deer vs black-tailed deer and show you what sets these creatures apart. They raise their tails in alarm when they detect threats. When you add up the clues, they'll tell you if it's a buck or a doe. They will shoot up their tail and run at the first sign of danger. They usually have more tines branch off the one long main tine. Thanks, Mule Deer vs Whitetail 8 Key Differences To Tell Them Apart, Mule Deer vs. Whitetail Deer Visual Differences, indigenous to the Western North American belt, Mounting And Sighting In A Rifle Scope Updated [2021], Elk vs Moose The 7 Key Differences To Help You Tell The Two Apart, Best Single Stage Reloading Press Top 5 For 2021, Best Rubber Hunting Boots Reviews And Buyers Guide, Best Light For Coyote Hunting Full Buyers Guide, Best Night Vision Scope For Coyote Hunting Full Buyers Guide, Best Coyote Decoy For 2021 Full Buyers Guide. They also eat forbs and lichens, but they also eat cranberries, elderberries, and huckleberries. The body also has a different color pattern, which tends to be a lot darker and closer to a gray color in the fall to assist them with blending in their rugged environments. An adult, male, black-tailed deer can reach up to 200lbs while whitetail males can reach up to 300lbs. Significantly, both deer have white in their neck areas. Have some feedback for us? 4. Size Whitetail Deer An adult, male, black-tailed deer can reach up to 200lbs while whitetail males can reach up to 300lbs. Like any other deer species, nocturnal behavior may increase due to hunting pressure, predators and habitat encroachment. Mule deer antlers grow in a bifurcated way. Everything You Want To Know About Muntjac, Discover The Largest Whitetail Deer Ever Recorded, What Do White-Tailed Deer Eat? If you go deep into the south, black-tailed females will outweigh female whitetails located that far south. Much like grunts, it seems bleats have many different meanings depending on the situation. Crappy Weather/ Days off just not lining up for Coyotes. That makes it important for hunters and other wildlife lovers to know the visual difference between the two. For example, a buck may have a net score of 155 as a typical, but a net score of 185 as a non-typical. Furthermore, the ears of the whitetail deer are small while the ears of the mule deer are large like those in the mule. Their weight can range from 75 pounds for a young deer to 350 pounds for a mature deer. Their range extends south as well. Both deer are reddish-brown in the warm months, and their coat turns dark brown and gray in the fall and winter. Blacktails also have wider, bushier tails compared to the mule deer whose tail is longer and thinner. Access Map to help Current conditions and opportunities to fish, hunt and view wildlife. Adult buck mule deers can range from 4 to 7 feet long and can stand up to 4 feet tall before their antlers. A whitetail is a whitetail, and there is nothing else like it. They look different, live in different spots, and come from different species. The black-tailed mature bucks, specifically the Columbia blacktail deer, weigh in around 150 to 200lbs with the does coming in considerably lighter. My goal is to create helpful & engaging content, that may inspire or encourage you to get outside and explore. I'm a freelance writer with 8 years of experience. Meanwhile, the black-tailed deer only reaches a weight of 225 pounds, stands between 2 and 3.7 feet tall, and grows between 4 and 5.5 feet long. The biggest behavioral difference is their composure. Furthermore, a mature mule deer is heavy-built, broad, and taller than a whitetail deer of the same age. Most tracks are between 2 and 3 inches long on relatively hard ground. They also live in the desert southwest, near the coast in California and in the subtropical forests of western Washtington. Whitetail deer have a thicker and fluffier looking tail. Hunting them helps keep the equilibrium in maintaining the ecosystem and habitat. Remember, Bergmanns Rule applies to whitetail females while it doesnt hold any sway over blacktail females. The blacktail is notorious not only for being difficult to hunt, but just to see one. deer, (family Cervidae), any of 43 species of hoofed ruminants in the order Artiodactyla, notable for having two large and two small hooves on each foot and also for having antlers in the males of most species and in the females of one species. Two forms of black-tailed deer or blacktail deer that occupy coastal woodlands in the Pacific Northwest of North America are subspecies of the mule deer . Mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) are native to the Western part of North America and have a rather large and expansive area where they can be found. Some of the different Whitetail subspecies are northern white-tailed deer, Carmen Mountains white-tailed deer, Key deer or Florida Keys white-tailed deer, and Coues deer. Strangely enough, these deer never mate with one another, even in areas where their populations overlap. However, these measures depend on which subspecies of black-tailed deer you encounter. The tail of a hybrid looks very much like a typical whitetail, but is frequently much darker. Interestingly, both shed their antlers every year in succession to each other. Bucks love the small saplings, and yes, they're blacktails. Whitetail mules shed them from Jan to Feb, and mule deer will shed them in Feb or March. Deer vs Reindeer: What Are 8 Key Differences? Ok, so the scientists and research articles that are focused on the taxonomy lineage and genetic makeup of a species have concluded that the mule deer and blacktail deer are in essence the same species. You can find it pretty cheap online if you search. The antlers of Columbia . There are several minor but noticeable differences when trying to tell mule deer and blacktail deer apart. Many of the physical characteristics of black-tailed deer are similar to those of the larger mule deer. Depending on the location, the climate, and the time of the year, it should be fairly easy to tell the difference between the two. . Interestingly, they live in rural and suburban areas, so people commonly see them. Body size and facial features indicate a mule deer but the tail is usually dark chocolate brown or black on top and white underneath. Click here for Deer Tracks Chart In fact, that is where the name "mule deer" comes from, their ears resemble those of a mule. The entire mating season lasts from October to December. Gestation for mule deer is seven months, for white-tailed deer 6 1/2 months. JSTOR, Available here:, National Wildlife Federation, Available here:, State of Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Available here:, Mule Deer Foundation, Available here:,the%20Canadian%20provinces%20of%20Saskatchewan%2C. Do not hesitate to call your local Game Warden or Department of Natural Resources if you have questions. That way, we can see how theyre different in obvious ways, like body type, and less-obvious ways, like species. This is an old video and refers to the Roseburg population of the Columbian white-tailed deer as endangered. However, the black-tailed deer has a black non-bushy tail. Whitetail deer get spooked easily. There are some similarities between the two animals. The blacktail and the whitetail are different species. Mule deer have a white rump and a tail with a black tip at the end of it. When tracking deer, it could be difficult to know which of the two are nearby without seeing them for yourself. Black-tailed deer are found on the Pacific Coast of North America in California, Oregon, and Washington. Ears are the most obvious difference to observe between mule deer and whitetail deer. Coues deer are found in Arizona and are much smaller than the Northern White-tailed deer. Others have hunted and continue to hunt both. However, their territories do overlap in some locations. Alfalfa bales are another commonly used feed for deer. Both deer will grow up to 36 to 42 inches at the shoulders. These areas provide protection from the deep snow and better foraging when plant life is scarce. Depending on the time of the year, their color ranges from nearly orange in the summer to more of a darker hue of gray in the fall/winter. 32+95=127. Most black-tails live in British Columbia and Alaska, far to the north. The mule deer is most common throughout the western half of the United States. The difference between whitetail, mule, and blacktail deer There are close relatives of the caribou, moose, and elk on the other side of the Pacific. Also the back of Black-tailed Deer ears tends to be dark, and they tend to be smaller and darker overall. I've written in a variety of niches such as video games, animals, and managed service providers. Black-tailed deer dont reach the same size as their close, mule deer cousins. Mule Deer vs Black-tailed Deer: What Are the Differences? If youve never hunted one of these animals, its important to educate yourself so you dont confuse one for the other. Is the general behavior of the backtail deer very different than that of the whitetail. On their own, its easy to tell if you are looking at a Mule deer or a Whitetail. Blacktails in the rainforest are a very different creature from even the chaparral bucks. The color of each deers fur is dependent on their habitat and time of the year, with slight changes happening as the seasons change. They also live in British Columbia, Alberta, and Saskatchewan in Canada. Thanks for the great feedback. Bushnell L Series 10x42mm Realtree Xtra Binoculars. A mule deer's ears are angular about 30 degrees from its head, whereas whitetail deer's ears are quite round and vertical in comparison. Whitetail and Mule deer share a pretty common DNA; however, with Blacktail, there are many more differences found within. The size difference in the heads is only slight, and it would be difficult to tell them apart without physically measuring them. The mule deer has done increasingly well at adapting to drier more arid areas. You may also like: Axis Deer vs Whitetail Deer: You Should Know These Differences! Whitetail are the oldest living species of deer at 3.5 million years old. This transitions to a muted brown, almost gray, in the winter months, to better match the snowy, rocky surroundings. Black markings on it Columbian white-tailed deer and show you what sets these creatures apart shed them from Jan Feb! And fluffier looking tail flash to signal to other deer black-tailed females can reach up 130lbs. Overlap in some locations those animals who live in similar areas of the mule. Name originates from Sitka, Alaska, far to the mule deer cousins the Coast range to! 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difference between whitetail and blacktail deer